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Sunday, June 1, 2014

High Needs

So, I'm just going to throw this out there! A woman in my moms group has SAVED my life!!!!!! 

I feel like you think I'm being dramatic, but the emotions that I have experienced in the past year of my sweet Daughter's life are such that she has SAVED my life. 

High Needs Baby/Child.... Never heard of it.

My sweet Mollie to a T!!!!!

I have done nothing but research and read and cry and laugh because it describes me and my family's journey of learning about our sweet Mollie. 

I mean common we've been calling her a sour patch kid for heaven's sake 
(First they're sour then they're sweet)

I literally laughed, through the tears of being run down, sleep deprived, and at the end of my rope with her screaming, while reading this Pop Quiz.

Do any of the following sound familiar?
  • Your baby would rather observe the world around her from the vantage point of your arms (While in a sling. Bouncing. And nursing.).
  • When he’s hungry, wet, irritated, overwhelmed, or bored, he isn’t shy about letting you know, long and loud.
  • Sleeping through the night is a term you think you’ve heard before, but certainly haven’t experienced anytime recently.
  • His nicknames all include the words fuss, cranky, or grumpy in some way, shape or form.
  • At any given playgroup, your child will be the one clinging desperately to your leg and/or verbally or non-verbally insisting on going home.
  • The food she loved yesterday makes her gag oh-so-cutely today. Oh, and tomorrow she can’t get enough of it.
  • You don’t understand the phrase “Enjoy the newborn stage, it’s passes so quickly”. To you that’s like saying “Enjoy having your appendix removed, the recovery period passes so quickly”.
  • The soothing techniques you’ve tried include but are not limited to bouncing like a maniac on an exercise ball, swinging the car seat to a height just short of dangerous, and frantically hissing in your baby’s ear.
If you can relate to any of the above, congratulations! You probably have a high need baby!
I have also been reading so much literature from Dr. Sears. 
I have a lot to learn about how to love and survive and to better myself and my Mollie's day but I feel at least I'm not a lost, frantic, hysterical Mommy any more.
At least I can hope :)

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